A Sea of Opportunity. A new mini documentary about circular solutions in order to save The Baltic Sea.

Nutrient run off into the Baltic Sea has had major ecosystem impacts, affecting fisheries and recreation. To tackle the problem, The BONUS RETURN project has been testing circular solutions to capture and reuse excess nutrients. This film highlights circular solutions for recovering and reusing nutrients in wastewater and agriculture for a healthier, sustainable Baltic Sea.

For Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) we recently produced a 20 minutes long film and had the overall responsibility for the creation of it. The goal with the film is to create engagement and awareness about circular solutions for recovering and reusing nutrients in wastewater and agriculture for a healthier, sustainable Baltic Sea.



Director and Producer - Kristofer Samuelsson
DP and EDITOR – Conny Fridh
Content Advisor and Senior Expert - Arno Rosemarin, Stockholm Environment Institute
Project Coordinator - Karina Baquet, Stockholm Environment Institute
Film Production Manager - Brenda Ochola, Stockholm Environment Institute
Story Editors  - Caspar Trimmer & Tom Gill, Stockholm Environment Institute
Graphic - Fredrik Andersson
Voice Over artist - Sally Kennedy 
Sound - Sonner Produktion
Colors - Odd Studio

A Special Thanks to

Uppsala Wastewater Treatment Plant
Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority HSY
Viikinmäki Wastewater Treatment Plant
TerraNova Energy
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – WULS
Finnish Environment Institute – SYKE
The Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF)
Norrsundet Slamförädling AB
Wodociągi Słupsk
Stockholm Environment Institute
Jan-Christer Carlsson, Hölö Municipality
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (HAV)

Kristofer Samuelsson
Kristofer Samuelsson is a creative advertising and portrait photographer with a strategic background of working closely with clients throughout the process. Commitment, sensitivity and a keen interest in other people is the basis of a staged but natural visual expression that creates a positive impact in advertising. With a strong and experienced network consisting of production agencies, picture editors, assistants and stylists, and not least working closely with his production manager, Kristofer can effectively assist customers with both simple and advanced productions. Clients include ICA, BMW, Norwegian, Familjen Pangea, Coca-Cola, Royal Institute of Technology, Scania, Jung, Baker McKenzie, Skanska, Spoon, Appelberg, COX, The Gothenburg Post, Skoda, Intellecta, Process.

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